Angelo Nikolopoulos

Finalist for the 26th Annual Lambda Literary Award

“If Wayne Koestenbaum, Sharon Olds, and D.A. Powell could have bedded down to make a thruple love-child, Nikolopoulos would be their little Devil masquerading as an Angel.”
The Kenyon Review Online

“Nikolopoulos’ debut is careful, sexy. The body, its ecstasy and its shame, is this poet’s obsession, and he observes it with a straightforward awe.”
Publishers Weekly

“[Obscenely Yours has] a broad daylight kind of sexuality that is presented tenderly, experimentally, sardonically, in a way that is completely original and yet must also be read as an homage to a generation of gay poets that came before it.”
Los Angeles Review of Books

Obscenely Yours lives up to its title. Virtually every poem in this book explores the body and its grim needs, but this theme never becomes monotonous. Angelo Nikolopoulos is clearly a poet of the soul every bit as much as a poet of the body.”
The Antioch Review

Angelo Nikolopoulos’s work centers on the poetics and politics of the gay body.
BOMB Magazine

“. . .what Nikolopoulos is about here is not (or not only) the pain of knowledge, but its pleasure, and not of knowledge merely, but of experience. And if indecency abounds, as indeed it does, these poems are about the resolute refusal to repress it, indeed, the commitment to insisting upon it. It is this insistence to which the book’s title ultimately gestures, convinced that its minutely enumerated indecencies belong not only to the poet, but to the reader as well, not obscenely mine only but also obscenely yours.”
Coldfront Magazine

“Nikolopoulos writes the poems that lurk in all of us. . .”

“Angelo Nikolopoulos’ debut collection is a masterfully lyrical tribute to gay sexuality. . . [Obscenely Yours] is not defiant, but celebratory, as excited about the pleasures of language as the pleasures of the body.”
Lambda Literary Review

“Nikolopoulos’ poems read as highly sophisticated, choreographed events—scenes, if you will. The first section of Obscenely Yours. . . encourages us to envision [his] poems as cinematic spectacles. Love is like that, cinematic, that is.”

“Angelo Nikolopoulos gathers the base metals–pornography, personal ads, acres of seemingly attainable ass–and with self-penetrating wit, together with abiding eloquence, he transforms them into rare metals, richly hammered.”
D.A. Powell

“I love Angelo Nikolopoulos’ poems—for their embodied electricity, their sophisticated minimalism, their racy scenarios, their tender-hearted reserve. Obscenely Yours has concentrated allure, achieved through sculpted angles, ideal lighting, and a perfectly choreographed compromise between silence and speech. His lines, loaded with edge and drip and torsion, behave like an action painting tucked into the svelte envelope of a Dickinson-tight line. Inebriate of air is Angelo, whose first book is a wonder.”
Wayne Koestenbaum